Sunday 31 March 2013

Poem: My name is Mr Humility

Hi! there
My name is Mr Humility

You are funny guys
Everything has come

Out of the stores of earth
Out of the stores of the universe

Your food
Your body
Your water

Just the soul
Is spinning in you

In speeds
Of your dreams

If you sit calm
You might be able to

Serve everybody

Today's poem: My name is Mr Wave

Hi! there
My name is Mr Wave

Yes on a beach
Yes on an ocean

I am born
Somewhere in deep meaning

My journey is like
Your birth

Ends on earth
My spin is gone

I was pure soul
No more butter or jam

I must be landing somewhere
So let me practise

Say cheese
For the photo of eternity

Saturday 30 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Cry

Hi! there
My name is Mr Cry

I pop out of your eyes
Depending on 

How hot
Has been the day

Human life
Human seasons

Are very unpredictable

Of course
When you laugh as well

In happiness you call me

Once I am out
I take your complaints

To the soldiers of the world
Who deal in this 

Alright mum
I know I am a baby

Master Cry
Is in my eyes

I can't play with the world
The pram is my prison

Who wants a milk bottle
All the time

When I want to be 
A goat on a mountain

Just jumping about
Like all stars

There goes my poo again
Master Cry ring the bells please

Master Cry burst the balloon please
Let the world take care of me

Friday 29 March 2013

Today's poem: The love of mankind

The love of mankind
Comes from the skies

Like the feelings of rain

Wanting to grow
The whole of earth

Despite the feelings of
Thunder and lightning

Which she oversteps

As a reason of 
Her mercy and kindness

Time and time again
Her soul remains pure

Yet we conquer her status
In such love

Thursday 28 March 2013

Today's poem: O Mr Life

O Mr life

What type of person are you
What type of cup of tea are you

Funny blokes laugh at you
Babies cry at you
The old can't make heads or tails

The young get married
Giving you more petrol 
With time smiling cheers

O Mr life

What type of shop have you opened
The sweets are there
The sweets are not there

Are you a magician
May I see your hands please
May I see your book keeping please

Somebody is collecting all your taxes
Who is your boss

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Father

Hi! there
My name is Mr Father

Just like the sun
I sit in one place

Giving my loving wages
Giving my sunlight

Giving my energy
Giving my atomic kindness

While Mrs Mother

Orbits motivation
Warming up her love for

The earth family
Growing them green

That just balances
The equation of nature

Sorry Dad
Very old posh poem

Mum is both the sun
And the earth now

Come on Dad
Time to be unisex

Come down to gravity
You will have more fun

Shake of your hotness
Have a break with us

Chill out with us Papa

Hey Master Kid
Who gives Mrs Mother

All these funny ideas
Destroying Einstein

OK  Master Kid
Let us have a chill pill

Theory does change
With time

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mother

My name is Mother

Imagine I have five kids
I learn as they grow

Each one
Is a different fruit

My love goes under
A test

Seeing each one
Opening his or her

Own country
Some picking flags of love
Some picking flags of upsets

Bringing them together
Has not always been easy

But as they turn into parents
My shoes are better understood

Their shoes begin to hug a universe
Of Our Creator

Monday 25 March 2013

Today's poem: I have a crush on you

I have a crush on you
I just discovered it
In my single state soul
My eyes wish to talk you
My eyes wish to date you
My eyes wish to dance with you
It is all new vocabulary
Never used by my heart
Can we see if we can
Make it as
Practice makes perfect
In steps of puppy love

Donated to charity: A Day of Hope

Sunday 24 March 2013

Poem: "O" Life

"O" Life

Like an egg
You have hatched

You are a big chicken
One very big chicken

Our eyes can't grab you
Our eyes can't eat you

We live in you
Sharing our little eggs

Which are on the railway
Of birth and death

On stations of wonder
On stations of ponder

We paint your care
We hold your teachings

To see stations of progress
To fountain every soul

As an angel of life

Poem: "O" Mirror of heaven

"O" Mirror of heaven

Help us to comb our hair
So the earth can smile

You speak not
Your soul is quiet

You have my reflection
But not our voices

My hair is cut
The eyes are smiling

Is this what you want
Travelling lonely

Towards you 
Smiling peace 

Of rich and poor
Without a word from you

Today's poem: My name is Mr Mirror

Hi! there
My name is Mr Mirror

Not just for the ladies
I am pure reflection

Of what the heavens
Have created

I can't speak
I can't touch

It is all spiritual

Smile and appreciate
You are the beauty

Of this life

Go on soul
Say it and clap 

A handshake today

I am your buddy
God bless you


Saturday 23 March 2013

Poem: In God's Aquarium

Hi! there
In God's aquarium

I was a fish
To grow us more

By His
Light of Love

The universe is born
By which

Pupils will be asked
Their essays

On His
Light of Love

Today's poem: My name is Mr Prayer

Hi! there
My name is 

Mr Prayer
I am in your soul

From God I was born
To lift you up

So you see
A handshake of life

Not loneliness
In a busy shaking world

Just call me
Like a pretty tie

On your soul

A smart smiling suit
You will be

God bless you

Friday 22 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr A Thought

Hi! there
My name is 

Mr A Thought

Adam and Eve
Started the

Tree of Life
On which

Apples grow

Many branches
Yet all human

Adam and Eve
Are shaking

As roads of life
Can't see

The picture of
Bonded Natural Unity

The roots carry
From Mum and Dad

Our Universe

Thursday 21 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Happy New Year

Hi! there
My name is 

Mr Happy New Year
I am out and about

In the skies of today
21st March

Some call me
First Day of Spring

But I like to say
The first day of 

Adam and Eve
Our Dad and Mum

So let their hands

Bless us all

From this great
Spiritual fountain

So we carry
The crops and fruits

As prayers 
Of one

Peaceful loving sharing
Children of

Our Mum and Dad

Navroz Mumbarak

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Shower

Hi! there
My name is Mr Shower

You know the one
In the bathroom

Not the jumbo jet
From the skies

This is my little

Small ticket
Small hut

In a sunny country

My tin of skies
Has holes

My arms are
The water pipes

No soap
Just that Mr Monkey

He steals my clothes
From my adult movie

Then the children of
The village laugh

Me running naked
After a Mr Monkey Thief

Only to be reprimanded
By the village masters

What a thunder 
In my daily shower

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Today's poem :My name is Mr Shopping

Hi! there
My name is Mr Shopping

I travel on a list
For good behaviour

The budget I am told
Is my perfume

Otherwise the lady
With the purse

Will cut my tie 
And tongue

Oh! those red grapes
Lovely says my heart

Alright I will call again
Next week

Maybe my garden
Can grow you

As I miss you a lot

Hold on a minute

Rich Joe is here
My schoolmate

Come on son
Super speed trolley

Let us pinch 
A few grapes from him

And make him laugh
With his good heart

Monday 18 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Love

Hi! there
My name is Mr Love

I sit in this creation
Yet I stretch to eternity

I sit in you
Not to be taken by right

I sit in you
So you love yourself

To stretch to eternal faith

Your mum shares her love
As a natural responsibility

To grow you
Like her bones and soul

So you know
How to care for the world

In bad times and
In good times

To stretch to eternal peace

Sunday 17 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Lamp

Hi! there
My name is Mr Lamp

Every morning
I am in your soul

Waking up with
The universe

The birds fly
Me in their wings

The skies clap out
Their prayers

The eyes feel sky blue
The earth is yet again

Born for us
For a healthy shine

Saturday 16 March 2013

Poem: My name is Mr Temple

Hi! There
My name is Mr Temple

I am in your soul
As you carry me

In the light of devotion

Talking about your birth
Talking about your life

You are a priest
Of your soul

A holy man
In the material life

We may not see it
But all your good actions

Confirm you care
To do the right thing

On earth
With your self
With your fellow men

Culture and politics

Don't fall on Mr Temple
As you ring

Colours of care
From inside Mr Temple

Today's poem: My name is Mr Thank you

Hi! My name is
Mr Thank you

I made the universe
With many gifts

So many envelopes
You all have to open

By the postman of time
Just be cool

Don't rush 
Into frustrations

The typing speed
Is not in your hands

The soul can say
We did well today

The soul can say
We will try for 

A better future

All the thank you
Have to be joined

Into one prayer
In the train of generations

Friday 15 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mrs Girl

Hi! there
My name is Mrs Girl

That is when
My hubby started to

Wink too much at me
Building our love fever

That temperatures
Of blind love

Just ended up
As Mr Boy and Mrs Girl

Of course darling
In front of a priest

With a congregation
Of witnesses

To make it all

Superglue spiritual love
Superglue material love

Thursday 14 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Water

Hi! there
My name is Mr Water

But I believe
I am not Mr or Mrs

I have no gender
Just a friend of all

I am the best prayer
To carry

I don't shout
I don't cry

Just boil me if you can
As I do carry 

Unfriendly creatures
Not seen by the naked eye

The other day
I had a fight with the sun

He evaporates me away
From places where

My services are 
So badly needed

Famine and death
Could be avoided

As you know Mr Sun
Is on auto pilot

With a thick skin

So my friends
Around the world

Just have to put
Their heads together

To jump over
Problems of life

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Sun

Hi! there
My name is Mr Sun

Hot as ever
Yellow as always

Keeping Mrs Earth
My Mrs

At a safe orbit
The honeymoon is over

Now our love
She flowers

Many souls are born
All need my light

My Mrs is clever
She teaches them

To look around
To develop the best use

Of the earth and the sun
To progress everyone

In the one nest of life

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mrs Earth

Hi! there
My name is Mrs Earth

Because I am married
To Mr Sun

I guess
It was an arranged marriage

A long time ago
Without photographs

How could you complain
What a lovely boy he is

A bit too hot
For my liking sometimes

You may say 
Ah! Adam and Eve

Now I have the nest
Where loving eyes are born

Of all shapes and sizes

They move around
Like ants

Exploring with their
Keys of the soul

They hold me like babies
And by time

They fall back into me
Leaving behind shapes of history

I can't talk to them
I can't give advice to them
I can't guide them

I am handicap in that way

They have to post 
Their own signs from learning
Their own signs from reflection

I am their platform
To my hubby and far beyond

It will be interesting to see
How it shapes up to unity

I am united for my babies
They have it in their genes

For now

Don't make mama cry
She does cry in silent tears

Monday 11 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Soul

Hi! there
My name is Mr Soul

Created by the most high
By his guarded secrets of life

Male or female

I sit as an expression
I sit as a learner

Without perfect answers
I am on a lease that expires

I only see a dream of sense
The trust to do good

From the clothes
Of the environment

They may be divided as nations
But I am not

My essence is a drop of peace
As a flag of heaven

Always shining
Like a diamond of any skies

If I sit and think
From a chair I do not own

Sunday 10 March 2013

Today's poem:My name is Mr Shoes

Hi! there
My name is Mr Shoes

I don't panic
The ladies know who I am

By colour they fish for me
To match their dresses

Many of us end up
In the museum of the home

Coming out once a year

Mr hubby just looks on
In the nature of the game

He can't tie his shoe lace
On this one

Saturday 9 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Dad

My name is 
Mr Dad

Some call me hubby
Some call me pops

Some call me uncle
Some call me wages

You get the feel
Wearing many suits of life

I wish I was tiny again
Looked after like a baby

Dad as an adult
Is responsibility

The wife needs happiness
The children need happiness
The environment needs happiness

Each one pulling their
Own taxes out of my hair

I pull out the dictionary of God
To save my baldness

Of course it does not work
When God has said

There is no force in religion
Boy I have to settle for a wig

And plod on as a Dad of 
Spiritual and material love

Friday 8 March 2013

Poem: My name is Mr Birds

Hi! there
My name is Mr Birds

The builder of nests
On trees of love

A home with no gas
A home with no electricity

Our wings are wheels
For the skies

We are fruits
Of the skies

In the peaceful dream
Of this farm

Today's poem: My name is Mr Love

Hi! there
My name is Mr Love

I am in everybody
Sometimes complicated

When it all goes wrong

Relationships of the world
Just buckle up

The love with mum
The love with brothers
The love with families

The love with religion
The love with politics
The love with self help

The love with the universe
The love with knowledge
The love with wisdom  

The love with discussion
The love with debates
The love with employment

That is fine chaps
You carry on the list

We know the soul
Has a railway line 

With Mr Love

To find his peaceful

Station of spirituality
To smile with the world

Just to make it great
Bon appetit 

Thursday 7 March 2013

Today's poem: My name is Mr Ocean

Hi! there
My name is Mr Ocean

To speak correctly
Mr Water

All that stuff
That makes life

But boys and girls
My soul would not move

If everyone around me
Was not full of pretty colours

My waves express themselves
By the vibrations of nature

Boy the universe is a big parcel
Whoever packed it

Is surely more intelligent
Than all my fish in my belly

Come on chaps
Don't say you are clever

The word humility
Would be destroyed

Look at thunder
I say he has lost his nuts

Shouting at me to be quiet
Come on mum you fix him up

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Spiritual Poem for love of Hazar Imam

"O" Hazar Imam

Your light shines

Not from the east
Not from the west

A candle for every soul
Touching the source of humanity

"O" Hazar Imam


Today's poem: Mr Human

Hi! My name is 
Mr Human

The two legged friend

With variable speeds
By age and health

With a brain
Sometimes full of gold
Sometimes full of dust

That is why I dance
To shake off creativity

My eyes see
All as friends

If my ship in the soul
Is steady as she goes

Give us a paracetamol 
Honey today is a rough day

My divine spirit
Is in a fog